ENT Surgery
at MEOCLINIC in Berlin
Surgical Therapy of Ear, Nose and Throat
Most of the surgical Ear, Nose and Throat procedures are done micro-endoscopically (“Loophole surgery”) so that scar formation is reduced. We perform all those procedures at MEOCLINIC where you can stay in the hospital after surgery.
The following procedures are offered (please, ask for details at your appointment):
- Surgery of the outer ear and external ear canal (e.g. removal of exostoses, post-inflammatory stenosis etc)
- Surgery of the middle ear and mastoid bone (temporal bone) (e.g., tympano-plasty, mastoidectomy in chronic MOE, labyrinthitis, radical cavity revisions etc)
- Surgery in inner ear disorders (hearing & balance) (e.g., intratympanic steroid therapy, endolymphatic sac surgery, canal occlusion etc)
- Surgery of the paranasal sinuses and in blocked nose (e.g. FESS, septoplasty etc)
- Surgery of the throat (e.g., endoscopic sleep diagnostics, panendoscopy in suspected malignancies, removal of lymph nodes, tonsillotomy etc)
- Surgical procedures in childhood (e.g., insertion of grommets, adenotomy etc)